A short history

Marwood village is mentioned in the Life of St. Cuthbert, written in 1050AD which indicates Marwood's existence in 990AD and 850AD. At these earlier times it may represent either an estate centre or a village. Following 1050AD the site is referred to only as a deer park. The confusion of the site with that of the known Anglo-Saxon village of the same name may have arisen from the fact that the original parish of Marwood was much larger and included the area now occupied by Barnard Castle. It would appear likely therefore that the original Anglo-Saxon Marwood is beneath modern Barnard Castle.

Barnard at the time in question Bernard's Castle was built “on the height of Marwood” There being no town in existence in the early part. It is likely that trees were at Marwood as the end of the name suggests this from Anglo Saxon times.

Marwood Parish Council boarders in the town of Barnard Castle Co Durham. This serves both the Rural and Urban area namely the east end of Barnard Castle including High Riggs and Castle Vale Estate. It has a small Council of 7 volunteer elected Councillors the Chair and the Vice Chairman are duly elected on a yearly basis these councillors. It has approximately 171 Registered Electors in the Rural Ward and in the Urban Ward it has approximately 436 Registered Electors, as of 1st December 2022 Register of Electors.

The purpose of the Parish Council is to protect the interests and well-being of the local community. Councillors do this by representing the community's views in response to plans and proposal made by others.

The Council meets approximately five or more times a year in Marwood Social Centre near Kinninvie. Copies of Agenda's Minutes of Meeting Dates of Meetings etc., are stored on the website for your perusal.

A modern map of the parish boundaries is shown below:

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Chairman - 07810 838288

Social Centre - (01833) 638589

Town Council - (01833) 690970

Victoria Road Surgery - (01833) 690707